Halfway There: Re-energizing Your Goals for Success

June 28, 2024
Solace Olasimbo

Can you believe it's already July? Time flies when you're chasing dreams! But before you get discouraged by the year's swift passage, let's use this as an opportunity to revisit your goals and recharge for a phenomenal second half.

Here's a quick and easy strategy:

1. Refresh & Revise:

  • Take a few minutes to review the goals you set in January. Are you on track? Do any need adjustments? Remember, life throws curveballs, so don't be afraid to adapt your goals or timelines.

2. One Smart Shift:

  • Pick one action you'll commit to in the next six months to accelerate your progress. This could be anything - dedicating 30 minutes daily to a new skill, scheduling weekly goal check-ins, or simply saying "no" more often to distractions.

3. Brag Sheet Time!

  • Now, let's celebrate your wins! Write down your accomplishments so far this year. Did you conquer a fitness routine, master a new recipe, or complete a training course? Big or small, acknowledge your progress!

The second half of the year is a fresh start. You've learned, adapted, and grown. Armed with revised goals, a new strategy, and a reminder of your awesomeness, you're ready to crush the next six months. Go forth and conquer!

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